Sunday, November 30, 2008

Indian Research

We did research on different Indian tribes. We learned about the Cherokee, Mohawk, Seminole, Pueblo, Sioux and Apache Indians. We had so much fun researching and writing our reports. These are the posters we made and presented to the class. It was a lot of work, but we learned a lot.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Indian Writing!

During social studies we are studying Indians. The kids were given Indian symbols and had to write a story using the pictures.

Robot time!

Our story this week was called Pearl and Wagner. This story was about two characters who build a robot for the science fair. We decided to make a robot for our classroom and make him our class mascot.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Accelerated Reader point update!

We have two more readers who have reached 5 A.R. points! Congratulations!

Friday, November 7, 2008


During reading this week, we found a partner and read to them.

Accelerated Reader

These two students have achieved more than 5 A.R. points! They have read more than 10 books and have taken the tests on them. Congratulations and keep reading!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

50' s Day!

Last week we had a great time celebrating the 50th day of school. The teachers and students dressed up in the era of 1950. The children traveled to different centers and participated with activities such as Jump Rope, Hopscotch, puzzles, Pickup Sticks, Jacks, drive in theater where they ate hot dogs and had Root Beer Floats and they also read Dick and Jane books. We ended our day with a Sock Hop and taught the children how to do the Bunny Hop, Hand Jive, and the Twist. We had a wonderful time!